
God Is My Rock

The first financial deadline came and went. At this point I haven't received any support so I am relying on God to help make this work. I wish money wasn't such an issue. What would our world look like if we had no concept of money or cost? I think it would be a very different place.

While it has been frustrating to try and come up with these large sums of money on my own, God has been using this experience to teach me a whole lot. The main thing he has been showing me is that I need to lean on "the rock" that is my God and wait on his provision. During my quiet times the last few days I have been stumbling across all kinds of verses that talk about God as our rock which we can rely on. He is the solid foundation of our lives and with out him our lives would be built in quicksand. 
Ironically, this morning at church, one of the worship songs was all about God being our rock and that without him everything else would be lost in quicksand. (If anyone knows what the title or artist of that song is please comment!) It really drove it home for me. I need to be sure that he is my foundation at all times, and from that everything else will come together.

Once again, if you feel led to contribute and help me out with this financial burden, please use this link to Support Me! If you have received a letter from me, I'm glad you have taken the time to check out the blog! If you have any questions, want to know more, or just want to chat, feel free to contact me! I would love to share with you!

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